Naturally perfect teeth are the dream of every model and Hollywood performer. Everyone appreciates a warm, welcoming smile from a friend or family member. Be it for a party or an interdepartmental meeting, a smile always makes people more comfortable and brings a sense of warmth and belonging to a room.
A perfect smile stands out because it is uncommon.
In many western countries, children have copious dental work before they reach adulthood to obtain this smile. Between braces and other orthodontic treatments, many people appear to have flawless or at least close to flawless smiles.
What Are Naturally Perfect Teeth?
Naturally perfect teeth can take on two distinct meanings.
Either it means a naturally flawless smile, or it means teeth that naturally develop no cavities or other orthodontic issues.
There can be some overlap between the two as well. Some people with a naturally perfect smile may also have teeth that are relatively immune to plaque or gum diseases.
Having both forms of naturally perfect teeth is an incredibly rare genetic gift.
Is having a flawless smile a matter of luck?
The former, naturally perfect teeth forming a flawless smile, is rare.
A person must inherit the right genes governing the development and placement of adult teeth. Their mouth must be just the right size so that teeth do not crowd one another.
They must also have a little bit of good fortune, particularly if they live an active lifestyle. An errant ball, rock, or friend’s arm can chip or break a tooth relatively easily.
If that happens, dental intervention may be necessary to retain these naturally perfect teeth.
Also Read: Teeth in a Day: All You Wanted to Know
Naturally perfect teeth develop no orthodontic diseases
The second alternative, naturally perfect teeth that do not develop orthodontic diseases, is more common. This type of teeth is easier to obtain because it can be helped by good dental hygiene habits.
Regular flossing, brushing of teeth, and regular dental cleanings make avoiding dental problems much easier. Even if a person has naturally perfect teeth, they can reduce their risk of dental problems by regular brushing and flossing.
How to maintain naturally perfect teeth?
Because teeth are exposed directly to ingested food, they are attractive habitats for bacteria. As bits of food adhere to teeth, they become food for the bacterial colonies that make their homes in the dark areas around and between teeth.
These bacterial colonies are responsible for plaque build-up on the teeth. The plaque itself would not be an issue were it not for the bacteria secreting acid after food is ingested.
Essentially the bacteria are trying to take their cut off the food humans ingest. This acid does more than just dissolve the food. It also eats into the enamel of teeth, slowly breaking down even naturally perfect teeth unless it is removed.
Preventing plaque build-up the best way
The best way to prevent plaque build-up is regular tooth brushing.
The American Dental Association recommends brushing twice a day, morning and evening. The action of the brush helps loosen both plaque and any leftover food stuck between the teeth.
However, the brush is not designed to penetrate the tiny spaces between teeth. Even the smallest bristles are simply too big. Bacteria, being microscopic, have no difficulty slipping into those tiny spaces and thus they will need to be cleaned as well.
Flossing is the ideal way to do this. Floss can slip between the teeth and remove any bacterial or plaque build-up.
Naturally Perfect Teeth: To Summarize
Naturally perfect teeth are both a gift and a very important tool for human existence. Like any other tool, they need to be maintained carefully to ensure they remain useful long-term. The best way to do this is by following the recommendations of experts and your dentist to ensure your teeth stay naturally perfect for years to come.
Toothbrushes. American Dental Association.
A gap-free smile leads to better quality of life, study finds. National Post.
Your Oral Health. Canadian Dental Association.
Peter S. Ungar, Why We Have So Many Problems with Our Teeth. Scientific American.
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