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Denture Reline vs. Rebase: Which Is the Best Option for You?

In this article, denture reline vs. rebase, we discuss the scope of both procedures in reshaping the underside of your dentures to make them fit in your mouth more comfortably.

We discuss exactly when you should choose each option and why.

What Is a Denture Reline?

As our body and bone structures transform over the years, the fit of denture teeth also changes. Denture relines are adjustments made to follow the shape of your mouth.

Relining is only a minor alignment unlike rebasing, so you can feel more comfortable without redoing everything and only fixing the correct position.

The best option for you depends on the condition of your dentures and which ones need replacing or improvement.

Hard Denture Reline: An Overview

A hard denture relining uses acrylic material to mold the shape.

As the name suggests, acrylic is a more rigid material, making your dentures more stable and durable.

Here’s an overview of the process:

  1. The dentist will remove the old fittings and over-extended flanges from your dentures and roughen the inside.
  2. An impression material will be placed on the inside surfaces of the mouth to border mold with rope wax or a sticky compound.
  3. The impression will be used to create a brand-new acrylic mold.

Who Is Hard Denture Reline For?

A hard denture reline is generally recommended to everyone because of the durability it offers. The durability also makes it a cost-effective procedure in the long run.

Schedule an appointment with your dentist every two years for the best care and maintenance of your dentures.

Soft Denture Reline

Another option for a denture reline is using a softer rubber base and polyvinyl siloxane material for sensitive gums.

If the hard acrylic makes you uncomfortable, you can opt for this option.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. The hard plastic fittings of the dentures will be removed.
  2. An impression technique using soft reline material will be molded to the inside of the mouth.

Who Is Soft Denture Reline For?

If you have sensitive gums and find hard denture relines painful, your dentist will recommend soft relines that are soft on your mouth.

Soft relines are also perfect for you if you are a new denture wearer or suffer from bone reabsorption.

What Is a Denture Rebase?

If relining is only minor adjustments, a denture rebase requires changing the whole denture base. The process is more thorough and takes longer.

Researchers describe denture rebasing as the following:

“Rebasing is resurfacing the fitting surface of a denture by replacing the entire denture base with new material, also to fill the space which exists between the original denture contour and the altered tissue contour. “

Denture rebasing is done when the denture teeth are in good condition, but the base needs an entirely new acrylic.

The procedure is similar to relining, where the dentist uses an impression material to mold the mouth and figure out the muscle attachments to find a better fit.

But instead of particular parts, the entire denture base will be replaced.

Denture Reline vs. Rebase: Which Procedure Should You Pick?

The two denture adjustment services are similar. They use the same impression techniques, too. However, whether you choose reline or rebase will depend on your individual needs.

When to Get Denture Reline

You should get a denture reline if your dentures are still in decent condition, but the fit in the mouth has shifted a bit due to tissue and jaw formation changes.

This could be loose dentures that keep falling off whenever you talk or when the dentures hurt your gums upon wearing.

Besides, you may choose reline if your dentist believes a simple alignment will correct your dentures.

However, you will not know that until the dentist has examined your dentures.

When to Get Denture Rebase

Choose denture rebase when you teeth are still in good shape but the base needs some polishing. You don’t need a new set of dentures, only a base change.

It’s recommended if your dentures are broken or worn out or if you want to upgrade the immediate denture into something more permanent.

A rebase can also be your option if you want a more long-term fix instead of a basic alignment.

If you do not like the color of the denture base, you may choose to rebase them. According to a paper published in the World Journal of Dentistry in 2013, rebasing requires completely removing the existing denture base leaving only a string of teeth. Thus, it allows you to get your preferred denture base color.

Denture Reline vs. Rebase: Frequently Asked Questions

Does Relining Dentures Make Them Fit Better?

Yes, relining your dentures will adjust according to structural changes in your mouth, such as jaw formation and teeth alignment. The realignment will ensure that you’re comfortable and that the denture has a snug fit.

How Long Does a Denture Reline Last?

Hard denture relines normally last for two years, while soft relines last for one year. But the durability still depends on how fast your mouth and gum structures change.

What Is the Indication for Rebasing of Dentures?

You’ll feel intense discomfort in your mouth when your dentures are broken or in poor condition. In these cases, a rebase is recommended.

How Much Does Rebasing Dentures Cost?

Denture rebasing costs from $300-$500. But, like any dental or cosmetic procedure, the costs depend on many factors. It’s best to consult your dentist to see what service you need exactly.


Shammas Mohammed et al. Changes in Vertical Dimension of Complete Dentures due to Rebasing with Different Techniques. World Journal of Dentistry, April-June 2013;4(2):96-99.

van Meegen HG et al. Improvement of a removable complete denture by relining or rebasing. Nederlands Tijdschrift Voor Tandheelkunde, 01 Nov 2011, 118(11):545-551.

Kranjčić J et al. Denture relining as an indicator of residual ridge resorption. Medicinski Glasnik: 01 Feb 2013, 10(1):126-132

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